
Samcheong Samcheonggak Until Dec. 13

Located in Seoul’s scenic neighborhood of Seongbuk-dong, Samcheonggak is a venue where performance art meets fine dining. Every Wednesday until Dec. 13, audiences can be treated to a blend of culinary delights and traditional Korean musical performances — “minyo” (folk songs), “samulnori” (percussion quartet), “pansori” (storytelling music with stylized vocals and arrhythmic drumming) and dances.

Tickets cost 60,000 won. Call (02) 765-3000 for more information.

folk dance “seungmu,” presented by dancer Lee Chul-jin. Seungmu, or monk’s dance, was designated as the country’s Intangible Cultural Treasure. Donning the white costume with conical hat and red sash, the dancer conveys spiritual ideals of Buddhism through subtle, graceful movements. Lee’s rendition offers a vivid portrayal of this enigmatic dance form at Sungkyun Theater in Seoul every Monday evening until Dec. 18.

Tickets cost 30,000 won. Call (02) 3675-3336 for more information.

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